Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin for VP......I don't think so!

I introduce to you, the intelligent, experienced Sarah Palin:

Note: During the VP debate, she used the word "nucular" much like some other politician....


Anonymous said...

Haha ok so I know this is a rigorously edited compilation made by msnbc, not the most reliable source of news a vp candidate she really is unfortunate. AND if I hear her say the word 'nucyalar' instead of 'nuclear' one more time, i will slap her into next week.

Special K said...

really....she's so fucking worthless. wow.

i actually had a political discussion with a girl last night and she HATES Palin, much like most people i talk to. however, the nation doesn't agree with us completely, so if McCain and Palin get elected...we're FUCKED.

just throwing that out there. everyone should be voting and excercising their right to vote.