Thursday, November 6, 2008


Today I received a gift from a friend of mine. She gave me the pin right before my exam, and she said it was a present for Obama's win. It definitely made me laugh out loud. Hope you enjoy as well!

*Adam, I know you're jealous!

Also, I saw a kid wearing this shirt today, and I definitely want one!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am proud to announce:

The next elected President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

John Mayer Endorses His Candidate of Choice

Taken from, John Mayer wrote this editorial:

"Hope" Is Not A Buzz Word

I was 23 years old when the nation was attacked on September 11, 2001. I can remember hearing pundits say "this changes everything" and "things will never be the same." Obviously it was a tragic and traumatic event, but that sentiment has carried on through the better part of my twenties. If you were 43 years old on that day, I would imagine it was a difficult concept to get your head around as well, but if you were a young adult just entering his or her individual life, there was an added twist; how can you process the idea of everything changing and things never being the same when you have no point of reference for what "everything" and "the same" is? I was just beginning to put my hands on the world around me, to interact and engage with it, and to actualize the dream of being an adult in a free society. To wait in line for 23 years only to have the "sorry, future canceled" sign flipped in my face was depressing, to say the least.

The social and political narrative of the last eight years, if you're a young adult, has been "you are the first generation of the second half of the rest of human existence." That's a huge psychological undertaking, and I believe it's one that will someday be diagnosed on a massive scale as having led to a kind of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (Something has to explain away our premature obsession with 1980s nostalgia.) My generation has come to know itself as the generation that should have seen the good days, my, were they spectacular, now take off your shoes and place them on the belt.

What Barack Obama says to me is these days are good for something. Just when I'd thought my only role as an adult was to help shoulder the nation through its darkest days (known to us as "the rest of them"), Obama gives me the feeling that I could be alive to witness one of the most brilliant upturns in a country's history. Imagine that -- a young adult in this day and age being given something to someday brag to his children about having being alive to witness. What a concept.

That's why hope is a worthwhile commodity. To those who question whether hope is a tangible product worth building a campaign around, I'd say take a look at despair and how powerful that has been in reshaping how people think and live. I believe the definition of the "hope" that Barack Obama enthuses operates on the unspoken thesis that there has to be a polar opposite to the despair of 9/11. Because if we accept that there's not, the will to live becomes forever altered. To adults who will vote for him, Barack Obama represents a return to prosperity. To the youth, he represents an introduction to it.
Well said Mr. Mayer!

Obama Rally

On October 18, 2008, me and a group of friends decided to get up early in order to get in line to see Barack Obama. Little did we know, over 100,000 other people had the exact same thing in mind! I am proud to say that I went to see him, and what better place than directly under the Arch in St. Louis? Here's some pics to recap the event:

For the sake of anyone who knows Katie Crawford's dad, he is in 10 years:

Finally, I called the Democratic Party of Madison County, which led to them putting this in my front yard. REPRESENT:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Heath = Robinson

One of my favorite candy treats is the Heath Candy Bar. Following closely in second place is Hershey's Dark Chocolate. Well, honestly the list could go on forever. Did you know that Heath Candy Bar started out in Robinson, Illinois? Me neither. Don't ask me how I stumbled on this website because I honestly don't remember. Here's a brief article about Heath taken from Robinson Area Chamber of Commerce's website:

    Early in 1914 L. S. Heath was looking for a business for his two elder sons, Bayard and Everett (Skiv). There was an existing business on the west side of the square in his community of Robinson Illinois, which was for sale. He managed to purchase the small confectionery for $3,000 by mortgaging the family home. The heath Brothers Confectionery opened its doors for business on January 7th of that year.The confectionery was the local meeting place, and did quite well. The Heath Brothers sold fountain drinks, ice cream and homemade candies. Primarily a retail operation, there was ice cream-making equipment in the basement and candy-making equipment in the back room.

    As L. S. Heath proudly watched and observed the success of his sons in the business enterprise, he began to contemplate leaving his chosen profession of education. He had been a school teacher for some 20 years, but he had always dreamed of a family business.

    So, the following year, in 1915, L. S. gave up his teaching career, borrowed all the money he could, and built a small ice cream factory on South Jackson Street in Robinson. This enterprise was intended to not only supply the confectionery, but to establish a wholesale business as well. Built at a cost of $1,600, the building was put to use on April 9th, along with the Ford Coupe L. S. purchased and had re-modeled into a truck of sorts for making home deliveries from the retail store.

Daft Punk Dancers

I'm sure you've all heard the song least some variation of it. I thought that this is a unique variation of the song. Check it out:

*Note: This video may seem slow at first, but trust picks up!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Apple MacBook

Apple has released their new MacBook. If I were to buy a new laptop today, I would have to get this! However, I am more in the market for a desktop right now, and in that case I would want an iMac! The thing about the iMac is there is so little to it. There is no CPU tower because everything is built-in to the monitor. Oh how I wish I was Rick James so I could say........"I'M RICH BITCH!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Into The Wild

Usually I read the book before I watch the corresponding movie, but in this case I did the opposite. Reason being, I had never heard of the book. Per recommendation of a friend I rented this movie. I decided to spend my Saturday night enjoying this film with the lady, and I am now planning on reading the book. Please check out the movie or book. It's a great story that really makes you think.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Way To Normal (through Effingham)

For everyone who already know of him, he obviously needs no introduction. If not, get with it! Ben Folds has been around for quite some time writing poppy/cheesy songs, but they're catchy as can be. Most of his songs seem kind of off the wall as far as lyrics go, and here is a great example of this randomness.

Taken from

The title of the album, he said, are three words taken out of context from a song called "Effington." That tune's name was a mistake, he admitted. "There's a place called Normal, Ill.," said Folds, the former Ben Folds Five frontman. "We played a show there and, on the way to Normal, the van passed through Effingham and I thought it was Effington and I made a song up called Effington."

"The song sort of ended up being about the randomness of where you end up living. You could just go, 'Oh yeah. I could pick that town and just live there as you're driving down the highway or I could just keep going to Normal.' That's really kind of what the title's about. No one really knows what 'normal' is anyway."
A song about Effingham, IL from a mainstream artist. Who would've thought. I give Ben Folds double points because I lived in Normal and Effingham.



I have a secret addiction. Yes, I love watching Ellen. Yes, I even DVR it sometimes. Especially when there's some kick ass guests on there. For instance, Mr. WEST!

Check out his performance of his new single, "Love Lockdown"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Food For Thought

This sums up how I feel about the upcoming election and politics right now.

Andrew McMahon (Jack's Mannequin / Something Corporate) has issued us the following statement regarding the upcoming vote:
Andrew McMahon and the voteTo all considering to vote in this upcoming election: DO! We are in the midst of one of the most important elections in history right now. I am the first to admit that I believe all politicians are flawed and the system is broken, but the only way to affect change is to take a stand and vote. We owe it to ourselves to watch these debates and cut through the massive amount of bullshit and try and find the candidate that speaks most clearly to our own core values. We can argue that neither of these men or their tickets represent us as a country and while that may very well be true, I dare say that it's best we all find one that gets close verses allowing either to take a pass and become our next president because we did not stand up and let our own voices be heard. Every persons politics is their business and my goal would never be to try and force mine, the only point worth forcing now is getting informed and getting to the polls.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Politics - Part 2

My brother recently made a post on his blog about politics. The comments from the post went as follows:
  • Comment 1

yes sir! thanks for the shout out, and such. also, good to see you're becoming more politically involved. some interesting stuff is going on. vote for change!

October 3, 2008 4:16 PM

  • Comment 2

Obama sucks!!

October 4, 2008 10:08 PM

  • Comment 3

Hm...I guess Obama does suck if you have no idea what you're voting for because all you care about is one issue: abortion. Almost everyone I know who supports McCain/Palin know nothing about him or his plans to obliterate middle class America...just that he is semi anti-abortion. What they refuse to realize is that Roe v. Wade will never be turned over and there are so many more issues that are more important! Totally ridiculous really.

October 5, 2008 11:02 PM

  • Comment 4

Obama has to patriotism for this country what so ever. and maybe after/if he is elected we will finally realize what a mistake we have made.
McCain sucks too... they both suck. I honestly dont care what happens, whatever...

October 5, 2008 11:08 PM

  • Comment 5

ps: Adam I love that you care about this stuff b/c so many college kids our age don't and this election will affect us the most...ow!

October 5, 2008 11:08 PM

Notice how she says, "...if he is elected WE will finally realize what a mistake WE have made." However, the next thing she says makes me think that she doesn't even care enough to vote. She goes on, "I honestly dont care what happens, whatever...". Our economy is in so far deep right now, yet so many people still have the mentality of "I don't care"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin for VP......I don't think so!

I introduce to you, the intelligent, experienced Sarah Palin:

Note: During the VP debate, she used the word "nucular" much like some other politician....

Monday, September 29, 2008


Over the past few years I have become quite a bit more informed about politics, but I still don't feel like I know enough. I suppose I probably will never know as much as I'd like. Learning the in's and out's about everything politics seems to be an impossible task. With the 2008 Presidential Election quickly approaching, I am hearing, what seems like, infinitely more people saying they're not going to vote because they don't feel informed about the candidates. With all of the forms of media accessible to us, how could someone not be informed? Even before television or internet people seemed well informed about Presidential candidates. There are multiple websites to learn about candidates. One great website to check out is

Another thing I have came across lately on the issue of politics is the Independent vote. If a person doesn't like either the Democratic or Republican candidate, should they vote at all? There is a couple of ways you can look at it. I feel like a person should exercise their right to vote regardless of which party he/she is going to vote. There have been numerous studies done showing that a candidate will never win the Presidency if he/she is running as an Independent. So if a person votes Independent, while knowing that their vote isn't really going to "count" (in terms of electing the person he/she is voting for), does that mean that person's vote is a wasted vote? Does that mean that person should have just not voted at all? I don't necessarily think so. A vote should not be cast as if it were a bet. I feel a person should be voting for the person who he/she thinks is the best candidate, not candidate he/she thinks the majority of voters will choose.

But there is always the other side to the argument. The other side views the Independent vote as one that if the voter would pick the lesser of the two evils (Democrat/Republican), it could change the results of a close election. This yielded true when Al Gore was running for President against George W. Bush. Independent voters were voting heavily for Ralph Nader, and this changed the election outcome. If those voters would've voted for Al Gore, the United States would've had a different President.

As you can see there are some very interesting things that take place in politics, and as always there are two sides. This Presidential Election is a very important one with some major issues such as the economy and foreign policy. Therefore, I urge you to get informed so you are able to make your own informed decisions.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Cat Nap

After having a post about my dog, Jake, I only felt it was right to have a post about my cat, Stripes. So here she is, in all of her 18 year old glory. I snapped this picture right as she was apparently opening her eyes from a summer nap, which seems to be about all she does during the day. (Duotone adjustment, Contrast/Brightness)

Hot Air Balloons

On the way to The Melting Pot in St. Louis I came across these hot air balloons launching from Forest Park. (Curve Adjustment, Brightness/Contrast Adjustment)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Graduate

I Survived

The Graduate from Springfield, IL. If you like this song I would recommend you buy their CD called "Anhedonia". It's only $7.99 on Itunes (click the link), and I promise you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Google Phone

Google has released details on its first phone that will be released through T-Mobile. Technically I guess it is not a Google phone, but it is powered by Android software, which was developed by Google. Android Developer Challenge was created by Google, and by doing this they came up with a software to be used in a mobile phone. The phone will incorporate Google Maps(including Street View), Gmail, Google Calendar, YouTube, and the ability to purchase any mp3 from's collection. For more information click here and here.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Love Lockdown

After a VMA performance and a few rough-mix versions of the song released on his own blog, Kanye West has released the album version of "Love Lockdown" on Itunes. This is definitely a new direction for Kanye considering he doesn't rap at all throughout the entire song. His new album is set for release on December 16, 2008, and it will be titled "808's and Heartbreaks." After hearing this song, I'm really curious how the rest of the album is going to shape up.

If you would like to hear a clip or buy the song on Itunes click here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meet Jake

Meet my dog, Jake. He's a half-lab, half-beagle mix. (Food for thought: Think how a lab and a beagle would look making babies!) If you say the word "walk" or "squirrel" within his earshot, he will get really excited. Also, Jake loves to push the flowers (like those in the left of the picture) with his nose, and then eat the bees that fly off of them.

Senior Design Project

I am a civil engineering major, and for my senior design project I am retro-fitting and re-designing the heating and cooling plant on SIUE's campus. I was in the building taking some pictures when I came across these oil drums in the basement. I thought they looked interesting with the indian heads on them. Once again, I used Photoshop to edit the picture because of the nerd that I am. (Curve adjustment, Brightness/Contrast adjustment, Lens blur)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ace Enders @ Phillies Game

Ace Enders was the lead singer of the band The Early November, and he also worked on a solo project called I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business. Now he is moved on to a new solo project called Ace Enders and A Million Different People. If you have never heard of any of these bands/project be sure to give them a listen. He writes some really catchy tunes, and in my opinion is really talented. Here's a video of Ace Enders singing "God Bless America" at the Phillies Game over the weekend. Hope you enjoy!

Fujiyama Steakhouse

This week Katie and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary since our first date. To celebrate we decided to stick to tradition by going out to eat. This year we chose Fujiyama Steakhouse located in Carbondale, Illinois. It is a steakhouse where 8 people sit around a grill and a chef comes out and cooks your food right in front of you. While the chef prepares your food, he/she sings, throws utensils in the air, and even throws food at you. (He threw rice at every person at our table and tried to get us to catch it in our mouths) If you get the chance to go to one of these restaurants take advantage of it! Here's a few pics from the dinner.

All of the food after it was put on the grill

Our chef cooking the food

My plate of food, which consisted of salmon, pork fried rice, shrimp, and an assortment of vegetables.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm a Photoshop addict. Here are a few pictures that I took and then edited with Photoshop:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Starting Over

Thanks for checking out my new blog. The plan is to post pictures that I take, talk about what's going on with my life, and post news stories that I think you might find interesting. I'm hoping to update a few times a week, so be sure to check back often.